Friday, June 24, 2011

Preface - The Gardener

From an early age growing up I remember weekends always had a sprinkling if not a deluge of time in the garden with at least one of my parents, if not both of them.  I love gardens, and flowers, and trees.  God's creation is glorious.

My Mom tended the yard and the flowers.  She still does, expanding her repertoire to include entertaining feathered guests and furry jumpers.

My Dad loved to try and wiggle in some trees, and veggies.  He still does add trees where-ever he can, and has expanded his repertoire to include grape vines, and other fun fruits, turning his old parent's homestead into a farmer's garden with decorative garden plots to honor my brother's love of cards.

At one point in my childhood my Mom was able to end neighborhood hostilities by having a planting party and all the budding young hoodlums in the area were assigned flowers to plant.   We went from having garbage and refuse and destruction wrought upon our property to having them stop by to check and see that no one had messed with "their" plants and all the little green shoots had enough water.

So it's quite natural to assume with such great roots, a plant like myself would be able to create gardens in her sleep.  Not so.   I have had many a plant come into my life, and leave this humble world far too quickly.  It has been a sad, frustrating, and sometimes funny adventure.  I'm stubborn enough to keep trying...and since I tend to seek instruction and follow it to the letter with mixed results...I decided to reach out to the blogging world and document my journey in the hopes of inspiring other would-be-hopeful-garden enthusiasts and sharing my garnered knowledge.

Should you be a gardening guru, you too are welcome, come, share, teach, and laugh along with the rest of us.

Enjoy the experience.  Life is short...especially if you've been a plant of mine.    Hope does spring eternal...and often.   :)  Happy Gardening to all those in the world!!!  May your flowers and trees grow with happy profusion.

The Garden Cat by Greg Gawlowski

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